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Friday, May 16, 2008

Where does time go?

It seems that I've done nothing on this guitar build for ages.

That's because I really haven't done a huge amount.

I suppose that's what happens with a "hobby" ... sometimes you have time for it (or can make the time), othertimes other priorities take up the time - like "work" or making some dog agility jumps to support my wife's hobby!

Hopefully, this weekend will see guitar-making some progress.

My fretboard markers have arrived (from a Vietnamese eBayer) so I can drill and glue those in, which means I can then start on fretting the neck - which I've also been happy to put off because my level of confidence is less than high ...

I'm also starting to think about build #3, which I'm pretty sure will be a LP junior doublecut design, perhaps with a pair of P90s.

And I've been hunting out some new wood supplies. Nothing fancy, but a change from working with cherry, cherry, or cherry.

So, if all goes to the sort-of-plan that I have, I'll be posting some decent progress updates and pics over the next few days ...

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