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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Finally, the latest guitar is almost finished

If you've read the posts below, you'll remember that I did another make-a-guitar course in November. This course was less focused on a "make-a-guitar" and more focused on "learn-how-to-make-a-guitar".

So, the guitar wasn't finished in the 5 days, but I learned a lot more tips and techniques, and 101 (useful) things you can do with a router.

It's only with the Christmas break that I've had the time to do some more work on the guitar, and it's still not 1oo% finished, but it's reached a stage of finished-ness that I can share here ...

The wiring is now 95% done, the set-up work is partly done. I've just dis-assembled it to put another coat or two of oil on the body. And it looked so stunning, that I thought I'd take a couple of quick pics and post them here.
For anyone interested ... the 2 pickups are both Seymour Duncan P-Rails. Each mini-toggle switches between single coil, humbucker and P90 for each pickup. There's then a standard 3-way pick-up selector switch, a tone and vol, and a varitone switch (which will go where the spare hole is and is the outstanding 5% of the wiring work).
That works out to a lot (a very lot) of tone options from this one guitar.
The bit that I'm happiest with is the neck/body join, which you can't see in the pics above. So I'll post some more pics when it's all back together in a couple of days time.